Elections... Here they come again...

The hottest topic of the season is undoubtedly the upcoming LokSabha Elections. It is currently "the topic" everywhere. In parks, at hotels, at office, during coffee breaks, etc... anywhere you go, you are bound to hear something or the other about elections... Every party.. every contestant is leaving no stone unturned to make sure they win as much votebank as possible.

Today at 5pm the (official) campaigning comes to an end! Amidst all the dhaam-dhoom, i notice that there is not a single hoarding or poster or any sort of campaigning near my place!! 
My locality is quite well-developed(though not fully developed) with a decent population. None of the candidates from parties X, Y and Z have taken ample interest in campaigning in our locality.

1. Is it because the candidates are confident that wooing the rural votebank is sufficient to decide their fate ??!
2. The percentage of votes from our locality is in no way going to affect the end result of the constituency??
3. Considering that the locality has been a strong hold of party X, the other candidates have not bothered to campaign here and the candidate from X has been complacent enough?!

No idea...

Awaiting the day when the educated class has a say in the country's politics. Only then the political system can be cleansed of all the corruption based, caste based practices and head towards work based, leadership based, issue/cause based politics to attack country's problems.

In this year's elections, a see a step towards this regard... May be small, but in that direction nevertheless... 
JaagoRe is doing a great job in this regard. Compelling and educating the youth towards voting.
- People seem be more aware of the responsibility of the electing their leaders. Though the  exact root cause is not known, i opine that the terrorist attacks, inefficient administration have affected people's minds in one way or the other .
(I hope that) As a direct-effect of the above realistion, the parties are forced not to ignore the youth and the educated class in these elections. Modern methods of campaigning through SMS, telephonic calls (on the lines of USA??).. Inclusion of IT related issues in the election manifestos...etc.
