The Royal Wedding...

The British royal family is in the news again, but this time for a good reason of Prince William's wedding!

As a kid, i was always fond of Princess Diana... the elegant classy beauty... So also the media was in total awe of her and followed her everywhere.... whether it was some land-mine relief camp in Africa that she visited or some other high society event in England...they made sure that she was in the news.. Hence one couldn't just ignore her.So much to say that i had written in all the slam books that i found Diana to be the 'Most beautiful woman'( no denying it though....)

Prince William has definitely received some of his mother's 'beauty' genes. Across my child-hood he was one of the first 'crush'es... His wedding this week marks a transition and not to forget, reminds me of how 'old' we are getting! (Oh!) Really?!

And, wishing William & Kate a very happy wedded life! May they get to be the King & Queen soon! :) [ No, i don't wish anything happen to Queen Elizabeth and oh ya right, there's Camilla in line too! :) ]

PS - Getting too many markers about getting old of-late.... :(


In Bangalore...

Audi is the new BMW....

BMW is the new Merc....

and Merc???