Farewell to Guru

Today was Guru's last day at office. Had known that he would be changing over to another department, but never realised that the day had eventually come.

Gururaja N is my Project Manager, guide, ideal n so forth. Guru was the first person whom i met at RBEI after my recruitment. When i joined last August, there were a lot of new projects coming in and we had to be directly put into projects. Without having much automotive system knowledge, we had to code a module that would actually sit in the car.... Just can't forget the amazing support and mentoring he provided us. We freshers literally slogged during those days... studying for half the time and working during the other half... staying hours after people left... But Guru was always there to see we got our concepts right.

Guru was not just A CAN(Controller Area Network) expert, but he was THE CAN Expert... 
Previously the CAN layers were got from third-party. He was parental in developing the CAN Protocol Stack in-house and now most of the customers(nearly 90%...thats huge) use our CAN layers..
Also during the problems with Audi.... after successive nights that Guru and the Audi team worked and successfully uncovered the Phantom interrupt problem, he was an indispensable champion... He always somehow knew where the problem existed...

As Ganesh rightly said, "He was never bossy. We never ever felt that way.... It was like a family. Everyone so committed and enthusiatic that one never felt the stress/hardships. Always calm and composed...". He was always there to listen. No matter what silly thing issue you took, he would hear it out and calmly provide the solution to it. We have never seen Guru lose his cool... not matter how critical the situation was. and always protective and supportive of the team..

The number of people who attended the farewell party was clearly indicative of the love and respect he commands. Not just from our team or our department, but people from all other departments at Bmh were present. People queuing to write out their wishes for him on the huge greeting we had got...in the end there was not an inch of space left on it... When we gifted him the beLLi kamba(silver lamp stands), he became so engulfed with emotions that someone, mostly Naga had to crack a joke to make the atmosphere light.

Some memorable moments:
1. My first feedback meeting and goal setting (will always be remembered)
2. His appreciation and surprise after my IDEA suggestion was proposed
3. His encouragement for Paper presentations and patents.
4. His enery/power saving initiatives.
5. His sweets,biscuits and other kharram-khurram edibles during late stays.
6. The team meetings we all had.(those discussions,CAR meetings,his analysis)
7. SRS review meetings (can't forget Warning lamp review)
8. His appreciation after the most gruelling module till date...Fault Management..
9. Last but not the least... The newly married meet :) His advice and expert tips were just too good :))

From tomorrow he will be moving over to EDI(Driver Information and Navigation systems) as an Architect. That is a wonderful department to work for. Wishing him all the happiness and success. 9+ years was a long time and he wanted to move on... seeking something greater...

The famous trio of Guru,Naga and Girish will no longer be the same....


Anonymous said...

hey deeps...

He was transfered huh??
I am so sorry..

Rather, he asked for a change :(