Joy of victory and My Agenda...

Today i was watching a reality show on TV . My God! So much of emotions involved..... Excessive jubilation on success and extreme suffering on failure...not failure, but unsuccessful....
Its like they have conquered the world when they taste victory and as if the there is nothing left worth living when they are unsuccessful...

In today's telecast, mostly people who succeeded were shown. And as they say that happiness is infectious, i too felt happy at their victory. At that moment a thought struck me.... " Have i ever been as jubilant or as expressive during victory/when i tasted success? "

I cannot come up with one occassion when i have celebrated victory with so much of joy and emotions ,etc....
Now there are 2 questions to help answer the above situation....
1. Have i not had enough moments of victory in my life?
2. Have i not celebrated my wins with all d pomp and show?

After some thinking i have come to believe that it is mostly reason 2 and a little of reason 1 too.....
Lets look at reason 2...
Through the years, we experience that the appreciation of victory is less inversely proportional to the criticisms during failures.. But as we grow old, we realise that success and failures are more personal entities which primarily affect us . The appreciations and criticisms from others are external factors and are secondary which can differ relatively . For example, a mediocre achievement to me may seem to be a highly commendable one to the other person's eye.

Also i recently realised that i have been practising the saying "Success is a journey and not a destination" without my knowledge. I will be badly wanting something to happen and taken lots of steps to see that the goal is achieved. But once it is achieved, there is happiness and satisfaction but not a jubilant celebration... The focus quickly shifts to the next level of achievement (Does all this give a picture that i have achieved great things ??;) Factually have achieved nothing... All the events i'm talking about are miniscule events/things)

Now coming back to reason 1..
If i look back, i feel that there are very few victories that are worth celebrating. Few things i have dreamt of/wanted have not materialised with lots of disappointments in the journey. But learnt a lot of things.
Feels like a really long time since a really joyful / event worth a celebration happened.

But all these failures are not going to hamper my goals and i've decided to enjoy every bit of this journey .... because i have the power of choice.. to choose what i take from the past and use them to build the future.. my future...

So agenda for now is to create more opportunities to celebrate.... and actually reward myself for the good work done when such a thing happens :)


Anonymous said...


I recently read my friends' status message on google talk "What Am I Running Behind :- Success or Satisfaction"

At first I failed to realize the inner meaning.I analyzed and it left me thinking.......

Coming to the point on how people react to the situation when they achieve something, I feel happy too looking at them; but in the back of my mind I always wonder whether they are truly satisfied.

Happiness comes when you are satisfied with what you have done, If you have done something which no one has done or failed to do, its success but you can only enjoy this if your satisfied.

Looking back I have seen moments where you were satisfied with what you had done(not noticing that you actually had succeeded!).Its the way you take things in life and how you enjoy them.

I wish you all many more of such satisfying successful moments ahead in life.

"What the mind can believe and conceive, the mind can truly achieve."

Meghana said...

I think that success is something you like to achieve but as you said after it is achieved we feel that our purpose is higher..what i mean is that we feel this isn't anything and our definition of success changes with every achievement.We tend to think that this isnt it, I have to fly higher.

Success is a chocolate box...All are delicious but some are nutty and some cruncy and some so soft...
It is sweet but the degree of sweetness varies....

Thanks for your wishes :)

Happiness and satisfaction are got by not only doing things which nobody else has achieved, but also by doing things which u have always wanted to do. That is why it is such a relative issue. It is unique to every person. Achieving things that no one else has done is a totally new high altogether.As told by Meghu, the level of sweetness varies...

Very apt explanation...